Bright Beginnings Christian Preschool offers a variety of special programs and enrichment activities for the children and their families throughout the school year. These include:
Meet the Teacher:
We kick off each school year with Meet the Teacher, which is typically held on a Sunday afternoon a week before classes start. This event gives our students a chance to see their classrooms as well as meet their teachers and a few of their classmates. We also have an ice cream social during this event.
Pumpkin Patch:
Each October, Bright Beginnings has its very own onsite pumpkin patch where the students get to pick a pumpkin, play in a maze and enjoy treats out in the crisp fall air.
Book Fair:
Following the Thanksgiving holiday, we turn our music room into a wonderful book store! There are books of all sorts for children and adults to browse and buy. It is a great way to get some Christmas shopping done. The store is open each day at drop off and pick up time and on the Saturday of Breakfast with Santa and Holiday House.
Breakfast with Santa and Holiday House:
On the first Saturday in December, First United Methodist Church and Bright Beginnings are turned into a winter wonderland. We start the day with two seatings for a breakfast that features everyone’s favorite man in the red suit! Then in the afternoon, you can choose to leave your children for a time of fun that includes games, crafts, stories and snacks built around a special holiday theme. (Please note: both these events have a separate fee associated with them and are open to all in the community)
Christmas Program:
In early December, our students fill the Sanctuary with song as they perform a special evening Christmas program for families and friends.
Remy and Friends:
Ron Remy is a ventriloquist, juggler, and puppeteer. Each January he performs a show with a wonderful Christian message for our preschool students.
Community Helpers Week:
Special friends like policemen, firemen, doctors, dentists and other community helpers visit our students during a special week in March.

Spring Sing and Art Show:
Held the first Sunday in May, this event showcases our children’s singing and artistic talents. It also serves as the primary fund raiser for Bright Beginnings with extensive auction packages for you to bid on and enjoy!
Field Trips:
Throughout the year, our students get to go on field trips to places like Dorothy Lane Market, Dominos Pizza, Strike Zone Bowling Alley and more.
Someone Special:
We celebrate February, the month of love, with each student inviting someone special in their life to join them for a fun day of classroom exploration and festivities! Each teacher runs this event a little differently so watch fr information from your child’s teacher for what this special day is all about
Farmer Georgia:
Each May, Farmer Georgia visits our students bringing a menagerie of adorable farm animals, including some very cute spring babies. This is a favorite event of students and teachers!
Carnival and Graduation and Promotion Ceremonies:
We end our school year with a bang! The last week of the school year features graduation ceremonies for our students who are moving on to Kindergarten and promotion ceremonies for those moving into other preschool classes. We also have a carnival featuring a bounce house and other fun games for all students to enjoy. It is a wonderful way to end a great year full of fun learning and exploring adventures! (Bright Beginnings would like to thank A&S Play Zone for their kind donations for our carnival.)

Bright Beginnings once again enjoyed the antics of Remy and Friends. Our kiddos loved laughing and receiving a wonderful Christian message!