Our activities will vary from class to class and day to day.  Our teachers are very flexible.  Activities throughout the year involve art, music, science, cooking, homework help, large and small motor activities, “circle time”, field trips and visitors, reading, writing, dramatic play and story time.  The following is just a sample of our schedule for our Kindergarten Exploration, Stepping Stones Extension and A.C.E. programs.

Kindergarten Exploration/Stepping Stones Extension 

8:45 a.m.   Arrival & Transition time

9:00-9:25   Recess

9:30- 9:50   Morning Meeting

9:50-10:35   Center Based Activities

10:35-10:40  Clean Up
0:40-11:00   Music & Movement
11:00- 11:30   Group Exploration
11:35-11:55    Game, Rest, Book Time
:55-12:30    Prayer & Lunch
12:30-12:40   Gather backpacks, Prayer & Dismissal  


A.C.E. (a.m.)

6:30 am– 8:00 am  Breakfast time, Crafts, Homework Help, Free Play, Discovery Table, Centers/Fruit of the Spirit

8:00 Lytle-5 Points Elementary Drop Off

8:20 Dennis Elementary Drop Off

8:50 Clearcreek Kindergarten Drop Off

9:00 Clean Up


A.C.E. (p.m.)

3:00 Lytle-5 Points Pick-up

3:30 Dennis Elementary Pick-up

4:00 PM Clearcreek Kindergarten Arrival

4:10 Snack in Big Room

4:30—6:30   Homework Help/Play Time/Group Activities