In addition to being the Director of Bright Beginnings and A.C.E., Mrs. Kim is First United Methodist’s Christian Education Director. She has 28 years of experience working with children and an education degree. She founded Bright Beginnings in 2003 to be a preschool which meets each child at their developmental level through exploration and experiences. Mrs. Kim has a passion for teaching children from a Christian perspective and her energy and enthusiasm are contagious. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and three sons and is especially fond of a relaxing day at the beach.

Ida Sellars, Special Events Coordinator
Ida has been with Bright Beginnings for nine years coordinating all our special events like the Pumpkin Patch, Breakfast with Santa, and Spring Sing, among others. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Ohio University. She loves being able to come to work every day to see our students’ beautiful, smiling faces. “I feel blessed to be able to form connections with our little ones and their families through all of the fun activities that are planned throughout the year”. When not a Bright Beginnings, she loves to travel with her husband and two daughters, and enjoys reading, boating, and swimming.